Browser Blues

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Aug 312004

These days I typ­ic­ally use Fire­fox as my browser; it’s quick, sup­ports a goodly amount of CSS, and seems less vir­us-prone than some of the com­pet­i­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, there are still web sites out there that only sup­port Microsoft Inter­net Explorer and older ver­sions of Nets­cape Nav­ig­at­or for some use­ful func­tion­al­ity (when the site require­ments read IE 4.0 and Nav­ig­at­or 4.0, you know you’re in trouble). In my exper­i­ence, send­ing the sup­port people email sug­gest­ing they upgrade their site to sup­port oth­er mod­ern browsers only eli­cits a response along the lines of “you’re using the wrong browser so it’s not our fault”. Then I found out about the IE View exten­sion. Prob­lem solved.

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