Feb 022007

Appar­ently there’s a group of nuns in hid­ing after their knit­ting busi­ness went bust; they are even said to have mort­gaged a mon­as­tery to fin­ance their efforts to keep up with the latest fash­ions in knit­ting design. More on the story in Nuns on the Run (link from whip up).

On first read­ing it’s funny; then I found it sad that their attempt to (I assume) give the mon­as­tery a sound fin­an­cial foot­ing went so astray. So often these attempts by mon­as­ter­ies to fin­ance them­selves by selling wine, beer, or oth­er comest­ibles is lauded to the hilt — were these women pres­sured to rep­lic­ate those suc­cesses? It’s no sur­prise if mon­as­tery busi­nesses fail just like oth­er busi­nesses do, of course, but some­how I sus­pect the con­sequences are different.

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